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Welcome To My Fog Lyrics

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Welcome To My Fog
Transcribed by Chris Vagnini 
As performed by the Bobs October, 1990 at Berkeley Performance Center, Boston
Lead Vocals by Gunnar-Bob Madsen

welcome to my fog
there's room for you
to come right in
welcome to my fog
I guess

welcome to my fog
just take my hand
and be my friend
welcome to my fog
I guess

when I was very young
and still in school
the teacher would call on me
and I wouldn't know what to do

so I would say
she never called on me

when I go for a drive
I feel lucky to be alive
the air feels so good
coming off of the hood
and I don't go very fast
I want it to last
oh yea
strangely enough
it does

welcome to my fog
there's room for you
to come right in
welcome to my fog
I guess

The only sound 
that I can hear
is when you're yelling 
in my ear

Hey You!
Hey You!

welcome to my fog...

Welcome To My Fog Lyrics

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