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Redemption Lyrics

Album/Collection: R U Still Down? (Remember Me)
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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(Thug Life bitch, goin out like that)
Once again! Hahaha!
Once again! Hahaha!
(Thug Life bitch)
[2Pac] Y'all can't kill me!
(Goin out like that)
[2Pac] Y'all can't kill me! *lower pitch*
[2Pac] Y'all can't kill me! *lower pitch*
[2Pac] Open fire on you niggaz
(Thug Life bitch)
[2Pac] Y'all can't kill me! Hahahaha
(Goin out like that)
Once again! Hahaha!
Once again! Hahaha!
(Thug Life bitch, goin out like that)
[2Pac] Open fire on you niggaz *lower pitch*
[2Pac] Y'all can't kill me! *lower pitch*
Once again! Hahaha!
(Thug Life bitch, goin out like that)
(Thug Life bitch, goin out like that)
[2Pac] Y'all can't kill me!
Once again! Hahaha!
[2Pac] Open fire on you niggaz *lower pitch* [repeats in background]
Once again! Hahaha!
[2Pac] Y'all can't kill me!

[2Pac] Y'all can't kill me! Hahahaha
[2Pac] Y'all can't kill me! *lower pitch*
(Thug Life bitch, goin out like that)

Redemption Lyrics

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