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Red Skies Lyrics

Album/Collection: Flyswatter
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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Why can't people just understand
money's something in the nature of the hand
now as we need something to help us with
all used up and nothing more to give

Change for the better
no more laziness kills like murder
help another you want for someday
you cant hide while I'm running

And all these people they don't comprehend
all those obscure animals aren't even in their pen
along the wheels comes the pain and strife,

Change for the better
no more laziness kills like murder
help another you want for someday
you cant hide while I'm running

And all these people they don't comprehend
all those obscure animals aren't even in their pen
along the wheels comes the pain and strife,

Change for the better
no more laziness kills like murder
help another you want for someday
you cant hide while I'm running

Change for the better
no more laziness kills like murder
help another you want for someday
you cant hide while I'm running

Red Skies Lyrics

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