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Idea Lyrics

Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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I been thinking sitting on a pole. 
I'm getting sick of doing what I'm told. 
Just me and the mirror and my brain. 
But that was when I got an idea. 
Came like a gun and shot in my ear. 
Don't you think it's time you got up and stood alone? 

Fifteen years I lay down on the ground. 
I couldn't feel any noise or hear any sound. 
Fifteen million years I spent down the line. 
But that was when I got an idea. 
Came like a gun and shot in my ear. 
Don't you think it's time you got up and stood alone? 
Get up and stand alone 


That was when I got an idea. 
Came like a gun and shot in my ear. 
Don't you think it's time you got up and stood alone? 
Get up and stand alone. 

That's when I got an idea (repeat and fade out) 

Idea Lyrics

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