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Re-Hash Lyrics

Album/Collection: Gorillaz
Online Since: 07-Nov-2002
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It's a sweet sensation
Over the dark
I want a situation
but don't wanna stop

It's the drug store so boy
Over the dark
With the sweetest inspiration
But don't wanna stop

It's (owwwwwwwww) the money a/or stuff [x8.5]

It's a sweet sensation
Over the dark
I want a situation
but don't wanna stop

It's the drug store so boy
Over the dark
With the sweetest inspiration
But don't wanna stop

It's (owwwwwwwwww) the money a/or stuff [x8.5]

It's (owwwwwwwwww ) the money a/or stuff [x16]

Re-Hash Lyrics

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