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Special Fred Guitar Tablature
Stephen Lynch
“Special Fred”
Comedy Central Presents

Tabbed by YZ931
[email protected] 

Everything sounds correct for the most part.

Standard Tuning

Very simple…just an A open chord pretty much and he changes it a bit…that’s about it


This is the part right before the chorus


If possible, watch his video to see his version of strumming


Again watch him for his version of strumming.


When I was, a boy of ten
I had a very best friend
Fred was kind, with good intent
But just a little, different

Ohhh, special Fred
Mama dropped him, on his head
Now he’s not so bright instead
He’s a little bit special
Just a little bit…

We played tag, he’d get hurt
I’d play soldier, he’d eat dirt
I liked math and spelling bee
Fred liked talking to a tree

Ohhh, special Fred
Mama dropped him on his head
Now she keeps him, in the shed
Cause he’s a little bit special
Just a little bit…

I ran track, hang out in malls
Fred ran head first, in-to walls
I had girls, and lots of clothes
Fred had names for all his toes

Ohhh, special Fred
Mama dropped him, on his head
Now he thinks he’s a piece of bread
Cause he’s a little bit special
Just a little bit…

One day talking to special Fred
He grabbed a brick and he swung at my head
And as he laughed at me that’s when I knew
That special Fred just made me special toooo

Now I laugh as I count bugs
I give strangers great big hugs
Next to me, Fred is fine
Yeah he’s a f---ing Einstein 

Ohhh, special Fred (and me)
Now we’re not right in the head (ya see)
Now we’re not so bright instead
We’re a little bit special
Just a little bit special
That bastard Fred made me special
Just a little bit

--Ending Chords—


Strum FAST      strum quietly                let the last chord ring...
0----0----0-- | --0----0----0----0----0----0----0
3----3----3-- | --3----3----3----3----3----3----3
2----2----2-- | --2----2----2----2----2----2----2
2----2----2-- | --2----2----2----2----2----2----2
0----0----0-- | --0----0----0----0----0----0----0
0----0----0-- | --0----0----0----0----0----0----0

Just a little bit......special
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