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Monster Guitar Tablature
Static-X "MONSTER"
CD: Shadow Zone
Track:  6
Tuning: C-G-C-F-A-D (low to high)
Tabbed by:  ThisIsNot

Intro/other parts

 .. .. .. .. .. ..
(you should use up and down strokes on the pming)


with that you should be able to figure the rest out yourself, on the verse there is a slight variation where they do the un-palm muted parts at different timings, you should be able to figure it out if you listen to the song.

If you have any questions, or need a little bit more of an explanation on certain parts, you can email me at:  [email protected]  (please put a subject or my junkmail will sort it into that folder) or talk to me on AIM at:  UltraMegaDeth.
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