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Dilated Guitar Tablature
atreyu- dialated...
....i tabbed out both lead,and backup guitar parts(guitar 1, guitar 2)....it wasnt easy either
both part overlap unless it says otherwise.....this thing got messed up, so some of the strings are out of 
line with eashother

/slide up
slide down
. palm muted
h hammer
p pull
b bend

atreyu- dialated...
....i tabbed out both lead,and backup guitar parts(guitar 1, guitar 2)....it wasnt easy either
both part overlap unless it says otherwise.....this thing got messed up, so some of the strings are out of 
line with eashother

/slide up
slide down
. palm muted
h hammer
p pull
b bend

ok ok i know.....it all lines up wrong....email me ( [email protected]) i will send this tab back to 
u and it should be lined up, its as acurate as i could get it and it definatley sounds right....cause for some 
reason when ever i modify this tab it ened up like this
both gutiars
|-0---0-000-------------7---7-777--------------8---8-888--------------5---5-555---5---3----|   2x
        .  ...                    .  ...                       . ...                     .  ...
|-00000000-77777777-88888888-5555-3333-----| 2x

guitar 1
|-7---10-9-7-9---10-9-7-------10-9-7-----------------------| 2x --------|

guitar 2
|-----------------------------------------------------------------| 2x --------|

guitar 1(guitar 2 plays and guitar one play this once)

guitar 2 , this time its played alone 

/guitar 2/    /both guitars/

guitar 1
|----10-9-10-12-10-9h10-5-7---10-9-10-15-14-9-10-5-7---10-9-10-12-10-9h10-5---...guitar 2 goes on---|
|-0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    2x

guitar 2
|-0-8-7-8-10-8-7h8-3-5---8-7-8-12-10-7h8-3-5---8-7-8-10-8-7h8-3-5-55-55-8-88-8-|   2x
		                                                                          ..           ..					                                                                                                          
both guitars
|--------------------------------------------------|                                  /guitar 2 only  (just this one time)
   . .                              . .                                ....................................          
           							guitar 1 only       
			                      this is a part may be off|-7------7---7/8-------7----7----5----------------------------|								
                                                               |---5-5---5------ 5-5----5----5-------------------------------|
						                                                         | --------------------------------------------------|

both guitars
  . .                              .  .                                 ...................................    

guitar 1
|-0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|    2x

guitar 2
|-0-8-7-8-10-8-7h8-3-5---8-7-8-12-10-7h8-3-5---8-7-8-10-8-7h8-3-5-55-55-8-88-8-|   2x
							                      . .         . .                                                                                      |---|
|-0-| let ring

guitar 1

|--------------------3----1----------2h3p2--------|--------------3--------------------1--------- |
|-------1----3---------------------------------3----|----------3----------3-3------1--------1-1--| 3x....guitar 2 comes 
|-0-0----0----0-0----0----0-0------------------5-|---3-3----3----3-------1-1---1---1--------|      in after 1st  time
			                                        3rd time>	|-333333-33--66666666-----------------|

guitar 2 (come in after guitar 1 plays part once, when he lead singer says, “my arms”), clean
|----4--------------4--------------4----4----------4----4-------| 3x  |
|-2----2--------2----2---------2----2--------- 2----2----------|                    

                                 . . . . . .
guitar 1 ...distorted


with a bit of plam muting
  .  .     .     .  .     .     .  .                     .       .  .      .     .        . .      .     .
    . .       .      .  .        .        .  .                   
guitar 2 disorted
|-0000000000000000-33333333-11111111--------2x...then let guitar 1 play--until end of breakdown--|

guitar 1

guitar 2

double solo (Both guitars play a tthe same time trading off parts)

guitar 1
|--------------------------- 7--------------7b-7p5-------------------------------------------------------------------|




last fill for guitar 1 solo (end of song)

guitar 2 solo(over laps the 1st part of the guitar 1 solo



|-------------------------------------------------------------------12-10  ---10-10-10-9-9-10-9-7-|

play as 1st guitar finishes
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