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Shout Guitar Tablature
|7777777744444444 x 12 end on |4
|7777777744444444             |4
|5555555522222222             |2 

 |77777777777777774444444444444444            |4
 |77777777777777774444444444444444 x 4 end on |4
 |55555555555555552222222222222222            |2

|-----5533----     ~ - meaning hold out the note
|------------- x 4

|7777777744444444 x 7 end on |4
|7777777744444444            |4
|5555555522222222            |2

(long singing part)

|7777777744444444 x 7

get softer as you play
|7777777744444444 x 4

get louder as you play
|7777777744444444 x 3

(Jump up and shout it now)
|7777777744444444 X 4

get faster
|7777777744444444            |7
|7777777744444444 x 3 end on |7
|5555555522222222            |5
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