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Downloading Porn With Davo Guitar Tablature
The Moldy Peaches
>From their self-titled album
Brought to you by the Bean

'Downloading Porn with Davo'

Warning: you gotta be quick to play this one!!!
During the verse, you almost need to play AhDpA - that is, play an A chord, 
x02220, then, with lightning speed, switch to a D chord: xx0232, then back to the A 
chord,x02220. I'll write this as A(D), but this pattern continues throughout 
the verse... It gets even more interesting in the chorus, where the same 
sequence is shifted up a tone to B(E): I find it easier to play xx444x --> 
xxx454 or xx444x --> xx2100. A7(D7) is a little easier if you play x02020 
--> xx0202, obvioulsly - you could just play this throughout instead of just 
in the chorus, if you find it all too fast.

Sleepin in a van...

Downloading porn with Davo
Downloading porn with Davo
Put a latch on the door so mama don't know
That i'm downloading porn with Davo

Tried to buy your love but i came up short
So i ***ed a little waitress in exchange for a snort
My girl's got a dick hangin out of her shorts
Me and Eric in the bathroom with the weather report

Downloading porn with Davo
Downloading porn with Davo
Put a latch on the door so mama don't know
That I'm downloading porn with Davo

Baby I know ya love the good old days
Cruisin on the long island expressway
I used to be dead but now i'm gay
All i ever think about is drowning, drowning

Downloading porn with Davo
Downloading porn with Davo
Put a latch on the door so mama don't know
That I'm downloading porn with Davo

There ya go, God Speed,

Please e-mail me with any comments, suggestions, requests etc.

[email protected]

PS sorry, I did forget to add the tab previously... Hope this satisfies your desires :D
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